
I bought a viewee tooee (a notebook thing of sorts) for Cadets, and now I want to draw something on the front of it so I can tell which side is the front.

I have a few ideas in mind (I'm going to Sharpie the picture on)

AAC Crest

Rising Sun

Australian Coat of Arms

Stylised Coat of Arms
James Ruse Crest


In the end I settled with the AAC crest and ended up with something that looks like this

Needless to say I am quite proud. The text is a little bit wonky cos it's so hard to write along a curve, and also my right hand had nothing to rest on and was kinda hanging off the edge. Nonetheless it is still readable even though the pen really wasn't fine enough.

Don't worry, I didn't copy this freehand, I traced it using an ingenius method (yeah, fuck modesty). Ordinary lead pencil doesn't draw well on the cover and pressing down with a pen doesn't indent it visibly. But I persevered and succeeded 8D. I hope I never lose this =/


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