Let’s start off with your Facebook relationship status:
Could you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
You can have sex with anything if you want it bad enough
Is the last person you kissed also the next person you’ll kiss?
Almost impossible (I think in probability it's more correct to say "almost certain" and "almost never" in order to account for law of large numbers or some shit)
Have you been disappointed in the past three days?
Yes, when I found out the lack of decent HSC English papers to do.
Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three months?
Yes I live in a house with other people. It's
almost certain
If you were drunk and you couldn’t walk, would the person you last kissed take care of you?
Yes, out of general human kindness.
Have you ever kissed someone who was high?
Nope that sounds like it'll taste weird.
Have you ever fallen asleep in school?
Not in my memory. Definitely not in class (Y)
Who’s the biggest douche bag that you know?
Isn't this kind of slack? Also, I don't rate douchebaggery. You either are a douchebag or you are not. There's only one level of douchebag and it's not like I feel like talking to them to find out which one is more douchebag than the other.
Person you have feelings for shows up at your house RIGHT NOW, you say?
Hey, does this smell like roofies?
Do you think you will have the same best friend a year from now?
Ooft tough call.
Who was the last male you talked to?
Do you dislike anyone?
(Almost) everyone dislikes someone.
Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
What the fuck. How can the bottles be "of alcohol"' if they're fucking empty. For the record I do have empty bottles that once held alcohol because I use them to practise free-pouring with water.
Who was last to touch your butt?
I derno but I bet it's a dude.
Are you missing anyone/something?
Yeah my throwing arm is off today.
What do you think when someone kisses you on your forehead?
Unless it's a really tall girl, it's probably a guy. And I'd go "what the |fuck|, mate". If you're going to go there you might as well finish the job and give me head.
What do you usually do right when you wake up?
I look at the time and see if it's reasonable.
Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast?
Milk for strong bones.
When was the last time you were told you were cute?
I think when I was talking about formal.
Are you taller than most people your age?
I don't know, bogans are pretty tall.
Do you still talk to the last person that kissed you on the lips?
Not really
Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing?
A Kathmandu shirt that has a fingerprint that is stylised to look like contour lines and says "In our DNA". I found it witty. My mum bought it though.
Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
"Wouldn't mind kissing" is non-commital. There's plenty of people that I "wouldn't mind" kissing.
Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?
Errrrrrr no. I'm a goddamn teenager how bad can it be.
Does the last person you held hands with mean something to you?
I don't even know when the last time I held hands was. So I'm hesitant.
Honestly, are you happy with the way things are?
Yeah how can we complain?
Do you always care what you look like?
Almost never.
Relationship between you and the last person you texted?
Probably distant cousins, 100 generations back.
Hey I was thinking about this today while walking - there are 180 people in our grade. I can't remember the number of girls so I'll assume there are 90 girls.
Assume that each new generation is born at the same time, and each person in each generation finds a partner and mates (for the sake of this mathematical demonstration) exactly once. Also assume that each of our genes are unique enough so that it's not inbreeding after like 2 generations.
Generation I (present) - 180 "families"
Generation II - 90 families
Generation III - 45 families
Generation IV - 22 (full) families
Generation V - 11 families
Generation VI - 5 families
Generation VII - 2 families
Generation VIII - 1 family.
A group as small as ourselves can sustain ourselves for up to seven generations without incest. I wonder how hectic that last baby would be.
If your ex said they hated you, you say?
Hate is such a strong word...
Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
Don't see why they would be.
Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?
What the fuck is with this kissing. Fuck off with the kissing.
How many people are you texting?
Nobody atm
Do you think people think bad things about you?
Pretty sure people out there dislike me.
Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
Sober. Wasn't 18 back then :L
Ever liked someone whose name started with a M?
Ooh why yes I have. Primary school
Did you ever wasted time on a certain boy or girl?
Hmm in all ways you could "waste" time, isn't it possibly also a learning experience for next time? It's never
really a waste...
Have you gotten into an argument with the last person you kissed?
Yessiry ofc
Do you believe your ex thinks about you?
Every night.
Whats currently bothering you?
You forgot the fucking apostrophe.
Are you afraid of the dark?
I don't enjoy it but I'm not scared to go downstairs :L
Who was the last person you had a phone conversation with for more than 2 minutes?
Hmmmm no idea
Who have you ever had the longest conversation with on the phone?
Still Rebecca. Haven't had that much time since :L
Would you ever consider piercing your lip?
Would you ever consider piercing your clit?
Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?
Not that bad.
My homestyle therapy for sunburn is stand under a cool shower for like 15 minutes. Then chuck some aloe vera gel on that shit. I haven't peeled since I formulated this. Patent pending.
Do you toss and turn for hours at night or fall right to sleep?
I don't toss and turn, but I just can't fall asleep. Fucking daylight savings.
Has anyone ever hung up on you?
Not out of madness I don't think
Did you speak to your father today?
Nah he left before I woke up
How have you felt today?
Not bad. Need to start work soon though
Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
Hmm like maybe a bus or something
Ever had a boy best friend?
Yes, and that shouldn't be surprising.
Do you wear a lot of makeup?
You haven't even seen my skin, ever.
Do you straighten your hair often?
I actually curl it.
What are you up to this weekend?
Cram English, no doubt
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
Probably not.
Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe?
Yes lol
Who’s the last person you kissed?
Ctrl-F "kiss". 18 matches. Minus 5 that I said in my answers. You asked about making out 13 fucking times. I suspect that has a direct correlation to the quiz-writer's age.
Where’s your ex at?
Probably at home or library. How many people answered this question with a definite answer. You're probably doing it wrong.
What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
We're going to dick around very hard after HSC.
Do you know anyone currently in jail?
No. Oh wait, Sally Tomato, who gives me "weather reports"
What do you currently hear?
The gentle whir of my computer fan. The clickety clack of my keyboard.
If you could make your lips bigger, would you?
All the better to kiss you with, my dear? Wtf what benefit would that have.
Do you like your hair?
I am beginning to feel I have a bit too much penis to do this quiz.
Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow?
Well if it weren't daylight savings, I would have a chance....
Where do you want to be right now?
I'm happy studying now. Party later.